Doritos "We Are Bold" Campaign
A collaborative course project created for my Creative Strategy advertising course
        As part of the class, we were tasked with creating a mock advertising campaign for a product or service brand. My group chose Doritos. We created a hashtag: #wearebold, and based all of our adverting materials around it, to represent the main idea of our campaign. The goal was to reinforce Doritos' position with our target audience: Gen Z, by presenting Doritos as a brand that understands and uplifts Gen Z and the issues that are important to them.  
        A series of billboards in which we replaced the word "bold" from our main slogan/hashtag with another word that also represents/describes Gen Z. We did the same with the magazine ads. 
Magazine Ads:
Mobile Game Ad:
        We decided to use the popular game "Among Us" to create a mock mobile game ad. The idea was that after viewing the ad the player would receive a new Doritos outfit for their character.
TV Commercial Script
Podcast Ad Script
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